Monday, August 18, 2008
Usian Bolt (Worlds Quickest man ever)
Usain Bolt (born 21 August 1986) is a Jamaican sprinter. He won the 100m in these amazing Beijing games with a world record time of 9.69 seconds and winning the hundred by a clear 2.5m and celebrating 15m before the line. His name and achievements in sprinting have earned him the media nickname "Lightning Bolt".
Everyone is talking about how amazing Michael Phelps and he is but me I'm a classic sprint man that’s what the Olympics is about the track 100m. Every sprinter what’s to win the Olympics gold in 100m and that’s what everyone builds up to and well Bolt killed the field, by 15m he was celebrating. It was unbelievable and Phelps is amazing but he is just as good because sprinters only have 2 events 100m and 200m unlike the swimmers who can 8 like Phelps.
So in my opinion Usian Bolt and Michael Phelps are just the same ranked the same for amazing Olympians.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Kiwi Bird
Question2: A lot seems to being done to stop the kiwi extinction; in it all started 1991 when the Bank of New Zealand made a partnership with the Department of Conservation and the Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society. The program covered the conservation and management of New Zealand’s, national bird. Northland alone at least 12 kiwi projects have begun since 1999 the cost of this annually is around $110 million. New Zealand’s very first community- initiated kiwi sanctuary began in1995- on Kuaotunu peninsula, in the Coromandel. Volunteers do most of the extensive predator control on both public and private lands. More recently, communities in Kerikeri, Russell, Cambridge, Whenuakite and Whangarei Heads, to name a few, have begun work to protect habitat and remove predators from large tracts of forests and farmlands.
Question3: The Kiwi as an emblem first appeared in the late last centaury in New Zealand regimental badges. Badges of the South Canterbury Battalion in 1886 and the Hastings Rifle Volunteers in 1887 both featured kiwis. Later, kiwi appeared in a great number of military badges. The Kiwi symbol began to be recognised internationally in 1909 when the Kiwi Shoe Polish was launched in Melbourne by a man with a New Zealand born wife. Soon the polish was widely marketed in Britain and the USA during WW1. The kiwi name came about inWW1 when New Zealanders craved a giant kiwi on a chalk hill above Sling Camp in England. In Flanders during the war, the name ‘kiwi’ for New Zealand soldiers came into general use. Over seas New Zealanders are still known as Kiwis. So if the kiwi does go extinct our name and national icon will be gone so will we still be called kiwis? Who knows?
Friday, August 1, 2008
Willam Ryder
Fiji 7s appearances:
2005 – Hong Kong (RWC), Singapore, London, Paris, Dubai, George.
2006 – Darwin (Fiji Barbarians), Auckland (Fiji Barbarians), Cayman (Fiji Barbarians), Wellington, Los Angeles, Melbourne (Commonwealth Games), Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, George.
2007 – Wellington, San Diego, Hong Kong, Adelaide, London, Scotland.
2008 – Hong Kong, Adelaide IRB 7s World.
Series Stats:
Debut: Singapore 2005 2007-08 Season: 2 tournaments, 5 tries, 22 goals, 69 points
Total All-time: 19 tournaments, 87 tries, 193 goals, 821 points
Most points in a match: 27 (3 tries, 6 cons vs. Namibia at George 7s 2005)
Most points in a tournament: 80 (Hong Kong 2007)
Most points in a season: 416 (42 tries, 103 goals in 2006-07)
Average points per tournament: 43.21
Monday, July 21, 2008
Moving House, I got up early to help my mum start packing up the car with our luggage. My dad stayed at the house and help the moving company. When we were moving the couch there was a massive cockroach under it and then I crushed it. My dad pulled his back trying to move some plant pots so I ended up doing it. Then some people from jehovas witness called at the door to convert me but I declined the offer.
The removal men arrived and took over the job and we were soon on our way. I then sat in the new house and watched TV while evrone else mum then told me to get off the sofa and sort out my room. I walked to my room nor happy..............
I was happy we had moved but now had to packmy room before we went skiing.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
5.James F
8.Taylor(Man of the match)
Cheese Cake

Mmmmmmmm....... don't you just love cheese cake it is the best dessert ever made. Why you’re thinking? Well, firstly they just look amazing don’t they, if you don’t believe me look at this photo I’ve got (it just makes you drool doesn’t it). Secondly there are like hundreds of different types of cheesecake e.g. Vanilla, Strawberry, Blueberry and Chocolate and that’s just to name a few. Also there are loads of different styles of cheesecake; every country makes it different but just as good. Like you have American, Canadian, French, British and Australasian, Italian and Greek and there is more than that. Finally you have the amazing taste and texture; first you have the bottom layer of crouched biscuit which you can taste but not too much. Then you have the cream cheese part which is the main bit of it and gives it its texture and finally the topping which gives its flavor and just makes it amazing.
Class Limerick
For Luke in a profession for hugs,
While Tash and Bree,
Got high on green tea,
Drew’s best friends were bugs.
Lauren and Grace would rave,
And Isaac would misbehave,
While Scott craves pie,
SÄ—amus would spy,
On Vinay chilling out in his cave.
Courtney Rata can do the splits,
And Courtney Morgan despised nitwits,
While Cerise sings and dances,
Rory talks and prances,
And Stephanie chillaxes in Saint Kitts.
Gabrielle’s futures in construction,
Eve’s is in elections,
Bobbie and Brennyn,
Are always grinnin’,
When our class is in tension.
Steen and Zane are rocking,
Cassandra’s always striving,
While Hillary does her work,
Aleisha carries a smirk,
And Chelsea is amusing.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Rugby : WGP Vs Long Bay
The starting lineup was:
7.Vinay(Man of the Match)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The Future of Whangaparaoa
As I drove down Whangaparaoa Road there was another shock as all the shops on the road had been knocked down and now they were all Bungalows. Rows and rows of bungalows they seemed to go on forever but I realised that why they had been knocked down when I got further up the road and saw this huge building then I noticed that it was the Plaza just a lot bigger. 8 storeys high bigger, so I pulled in to check it out. As I walked in it said worlds biggest mall, I could not believe it Whangaparaoa Plaza the world’s biggest mall! and it had everything shops from all round the world K-Mart, Asda, H&M, Abercrombie and Fitch and loads more.
While I was shopping I saw someone else I had grown up with, Michael Broughton and he was with a load of supermodels and wearing some sweet clothes. I started to talk with him and he told me he owned this mall, also that he was a billionaire I just couldn’t believe it. So after I spent my fair share in money at the mall, I headed down to check out WGP College (my old school). As I parked up my car in the visitor’s car park I saw that nothing had changed and I as I walked round nothing at all had changed I thought with everything else but no nothing at the school had changed. So there was one last thing to check out my old road and well that was the worst it was not even there, it had been knocked down for an express highway. So as I turned on to the highway I thought about how much had change in so little time.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Day8: Universal
It was a Thursday and we were up at 8, by 8:40 everyone had eaten and getting ready to leave. We left at 9:20 and got there for 9:55 and we entered the park after parking the car. The first rid we went on was the amazing Simpsons Rid it was amazing, it was only a virtual rid but it felt sooooooooooooooo real. We left that and joined the line for Studio Tour which was a 40min rid around some sets and other stuff, the rid was worth doing. We then left and got some lunch and then headed to watch the water world show it was a great show lots of action and they drenched you with water. Other rides we did after that was the house of horror that was scary because they had live people who didn't touch you but would jump out and go inches away from you. Then the Rollercoaster Mummy rid, Jurassic park water rid and a fire show. We did more after but they were the really good ones and my favorite was The Jurassic Water rid. After we ate dinner at the park and then we left to watch Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Cristal Skull at 8:30, I thought it was a great film and recommend everyone to see it but I LOVE all of the 4 films. Well that was another great day.
Day7: LA
Day6: Golf
Day5: Baseball
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Day4: The Wedding
Day3: Bride and Groom
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Day2: Shopping
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Day1: Flying
Monday, May 19, 2008
WGP College
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Rugby 6th Grade
We Played Kingsway it was just a friendly game becuase kingsway had to many over weight player like there number 8 was almost 20kgs over the weight limit.
Well the day didn't start well because our warm up was rubbish we were just messing around, but by the end we were looking good.We were also playing on the rubbish water logged pitch because the seniour team was playing at the same time so they got the good one. At the start of the game they were on our line for about 15min until the scored from then on we were never really in there half our forward were fighting hard but because they wer over weight it was never going to last. Our back just couldn not hold the ball because the ball was so wet. So they could never get running. It felt as if we were continually on the back foot. And personly I though we didn't play to the best of our ability. Soooo the score ended at 33-0 to them. But we played every well in the conditions but we could of played better.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Well on the first day after we had arived that Saterday night. The weather was not very good so we did some indoor activtiy. But before for that we went to the Taupo waterfall and rapids they were cool all we did was have a look at them and they were going really fast. after we left there we went to an indoor ativity centre which had rock climbing which Me, Vinay and my Dad all did(my mum was scared so she just watched). We did 4 different climbs Me and Vinay climbed them all and got to the top my dad only did the eaisy two but did get to the top. After we had done the climbing for around an 1 hour 30 min we went into the hot pool they had there they where nice and they also ahd sme slides which where really cool and plus it was indoors but it went outside as well. We where only there for an hour when we left for home where we got pizza for dinner then went to bed.
We got up at around 11 and me and Vinay went to the recreation room and played some Pool and ping pong I beat Vinay at Ping Pong, but he has the best serve ever. After about an hour we lft and went in to the town, I didnt buy anything but vinay went into Dick Smiths and got some new head phones. Later my mum called me and tolded me to meet them at the car because we were going to do the rapids ride. It took around 30 mins to get there and when we got there we I wanted to sit next to the edge but vinay sat there instead and as you could think we went over all these rapids and it was rally cool. Though the funniest thing was that becaus of were Vinay sat he got soooooooooooooo wet and I only got a little it was very funny.
We went out at arounf 12 to the craters in the moon it was an hours walk around it all. As we where on our way back Vinays dad called and said he was there to pick Vinay up but we had already planned for it. So then Vinay was gone and it started to rain so we stayed at the hotel.
I went out and plaed Golf with my dad we played 18 holes and i didnt play well but it did start to rain so we kept hacking the grounfd out and it was pretty funny. The golf was the longest golf corse I had ever played it took sooooo long to play and thats all I did then we went home to the hotel.
The day before my mum day booked a two hour horse riding session. Which was at around 10 so we left for that earily. When we got there for the frist hour we only walk and trotted for a while untill we left the 1hours be hide and the people who had paided for 2 hours just carried on and there was now only like 7 of us. So we were able to canter around every were for the next hour it was amazing I had only trotted before this one but it was amazing. Then I went back to the hotel had lunch then me and my dad went out and played a 9 hole golf corse which was really fun.
We left for home around 10
Saturday, May 10, 2008
A friend
A Great friend
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
My Sister
English Work
Monday, April 21, 2008
moives so far
Snakes on a Plane.
posible on of the worst films I have ever seen I is sooooooooo bad I starts off about this kid seeing a murder in Haiwi but he has to go to LA to testify agaist a man who is well now for killing people who testitfy against him. So what the guy does to try and kill the kid so he can't testify against him is he put loads of poisious snakes on this plane hense the name SNAES ON A PLANE. But as it slowy goes on it starts to get funny cause its sooooooooooo bad but some of it makes sense the snakes arent just killing people because as you my have been told it not in there nature they have to be provoced and well they attualy are buy a hormone the asasone have put in the plane. Well I wont tell you what happens in the end but its not very good.
Perdator 1and 2.
Well what to amazng action moives they really are amazing if you want action you should watch these there is sooooooooooooo much.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Canadaian Game
I will only talk about the senior game because that was the good one. THE FRIST HALF:Well it started off that they dominated the first half and they scored two trys on of them was my home stay who went straight throw the middle of the team and under the postes. It was nearing up to half time had the score was 3-12 to the Canadaians and we had a scrum (which wasnt to good for us seeing as they had won ever scrum of the half even ours) but we wonit and we gave it out to Nathan Ash who went past the 1st and 2nd five then steped past the Fullback and ran round the winger to go under the postest endding the game 10-12. THE SECOND HALF: It was going well to start off we had scored at the end of the first, now we were dominating and the Canadaians where droping. We then got a penalty to take the lead, then around 56 min Nathan Ash again broke the line and gave the ball to Buck who went 25 meters to score, we then got another penality to take the score to 21-12. The canadaians struck back at aroung 68 min but not converting th score now 21-17. Then Leesin Stockman got a try in the 74 min, when Nathan Ash AGAIN broke the line and gave it out to Leesin who ran round the winger and scored in the cornner. He scored again in the 76min, Reggie Pearce who took a five meter tap and gave it to Leesin who ran over the winger.
So over all it was a great game for Whanga.
The Zoo
What a fun day that was Drew got bit by a Meercat, the Giraffes were in mating season, an Elephant almost choked and we almost got sent out so it was a fun day.
It started off all good me and Vinay went for a walk and saw the Giraffes like you see them on the Documentary Channel. Then we went day eye out a lion which was really fun cause I won. I guess then we had to go back to meet up for our talk on endangered animals in New Zealand. Well before we went in to the talk my friend told that he had been bitten by a Meercat I was sooooooo funny then one of the zoo poeple said that he needed to get to get some tetnuse jab, then we went in to the talk, it took 50 mins it was a bit boring but not that bad. After we got out I went of with Riki and we watched a monkey for 15 mins while he tryed to get some bread which he endded up getting. Then the hole school was called over the intercome telling us that we had to meet back at the enterance. Then Ms Wilson, Mrs Rolands and Mr Pocock gave use a talk on how bad our behavour was like some people where smoking in the meercat tunnels, someone had throw a chocolate bar at the elephant and it started to choke apparently it almost died. After that me and Vinay had a photo of us taken by Ms Wilson of me and Viany eatting our subway. Then me and Viany went an shouted abuse at te Kangaroos for being Australian it was prity funny.
Nothing else really happend. So over all it was a great day.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
This weekend was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring I had nothing to do all I did on Saterday was sit at home and watch telly.
Sunday I guess was alot better I start off by watching fun of the film called Independence Day, it's the one where allens attack Earth they start attacking everyone and destroy big towns and city. They then start to atack in group by putting in a virus and shutting down there defences for a few min so that there planes can be attackthe ship and as you can expect they end up fighting of the aliens. After watching a great film I had a traing season an on stanmore field just some fittness and rugby skills, it was alright I guess. Then I came home had a shower and went and watched the end of my film (Independence Day). Later on in the day me my bro and my parents went to a friends house they had a pool which I spent most of the evening in haha. We had some dinner there then went home. We then went and watched the Leiscter Tigers against London Wasps. Then I went to bed.
And thats my weekend.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Te Arai
On Saterday me and my parents left forTe Arai ( a beach up north ). It rook around an hour and a half to get there from here. When we got there we frist set up our tent and got our stuff ready, then after that we went to the beach ( which was 20secs away) we had a swim. After about 1 hour we went back and started to unpack our stuff. We then started to cook our dinner on our portable gas stove. After dinner went for a walk for about 15min. when we got back we had a cup of tea and then we went 2 bed.
I didnt get up till like 9 but at like 6:30 a Cockral woke me up. But when I got I had my breakfast. We went to the beach and hd a good swim. Then I took a learn to surf corse which was ok I just learnt the bastics of how to stand up, it was only an hour and a half long but it was worth doing. I did enjoy it alot. After my leason I had some lunch and then we packed up and headed home it took 2 hours to get home with traffic.
So over all it was a good Easter weekend
Thursday, March 20, 2008
School so far has not been as bad as I though it would be. Some of the thing in leasons that we have done are cool. like we are learning about WW1 which is quite cool. We have already been on one feild trip which was prity cool and now were going on another. Were going to the zoo which will be awesome, were going to there with sicence. I'm doing some alright options, Drama which is ok were doing Monologues now on famous New Zealanders. I'm doing Sir Peter Blake he prity cool he was shot and kill by pirates. My ohter optins is Sports Institute we do alot of pratical and some theory. My favourite subject of corse is P.E. we are now doing a cool area in P.E. which is international games were having some fun doing it and we ave also been to the beach in our last P.E. leason.
So over all school has not been to bad so far this year :) :) :¬)
Saturday, March 15, 2008
In the Super 14 I support the Sharks from Cape Town. I support they because when my bother went to South Africa he brought me back a Sharks top and that was the frist time I herd of the Sharks so now I support them. I now that I should support the Blues cause they are the closet team but I don't I'm a Shark. I of corse belive that the Sharks can win the Super 14 but the Crusiader should win it I recone.
The 6 Nations,
I can't belive that Walse won but they did deserve to win it, England could of won it but they played rubbish against Scotland and Walse. But guess who they beat in the 6 Nation France and Ireland and guess who New Zealand (the best side in the world) lost to FRANCE the team England beat how funny.
I'm supercool darrrr
The War Musseum
On Friday we went to the Auckland War Messeum. I guess that the muesseum was ok, the problem was that I had been there like 5 times before so I had seen it all before. I did quit enjoy the some of it because when we did the question I look at somethings that I would not and did not look at when I before. I sore my name up on the hall of memories. I thought that there might some more names but was glade there wasn't, but there was still alot of names. I got a bit energetic so I had to sit down with Mrs.Wilson and clam down once I did I was aloud to go. I found the work hard to do or well to find where to get the answers.
That was the Auckland War Messeum.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
My School
My school is an new school its only been goin for five years, so its not got alot of history. I enjoy going to it (sometimes) but its cool. One good thing about is all the new technology it has, we have something like 32 smart boards if not more. I have some really cool teachers this year. Both parents work at the school one as a Maths teachers and one as the sports co-ordinator.Well theres not much else to say.
If you want to now more about me, read my next blog about my sports.
My Sports
So you came inside to read more about me.
Well my main sport is Rugby our school is a new school so were no to good at it yet but were growing a team. Hockey is my only other winter sport our school got a pritty good side were hoping to go up a division this year. My summer sports are touch, x country, athletics, Surf Club, Cricket. My X country ios almost over but I went to the National Champs which was in Whananui and came 87th out of 130 people so I did OK. My Cricket has just gone in to the last part of the season, my touch is just starting again with senior last year it was junior. Athletics is over though I didn't have time to do it this year cause I only just move here and well surf club is OK I go when I can but its not that often now.
Well there you go thats my sports I do alot but I now people who do more.
Well thanks for reading my sports blog.
Chinese Cinderella
At frist I thought this book woud be really boring and not really my kind of thing. But as it started to get in to it and I started to really enjoy it. It's the kind of book that you kind of book that at the start you will think why am I reading this but as it gets going it really starts to get good. I don't really think the ending of the book was very good I won't tell you but it was quite disapointing, but I do recommend that you read it.
Well thanks for reading my blog and I do recommend reading the book Chinese Cinderella.
About me
My names Rory. I Play alot of sports mostly for my school i.e. rugby, x country, hockey, and some others. I also play some sports outside school like cricket and surf life saving. My favourite sport is rugby. I have 1 brother, 1 sister and my mum and dad are still together. I live in New Zealand but I moved here from England. My favourite shows are Family Guy, South Park and Friends.Well I have nothin else to say, if you want to know more go in side my blog