Saturday, May 31, 2008

Day2: Shopping

We didn't get up that morning till 10 because we were all tried from the night before but my dad was up at 7 because he was off to play golf early. So when we got up we went and got the metro train in to the big mall in Washington and the weather was just amazing like 25. To start with we just browsed around for a while until we shore a good shop with a sale so we went in and got so nice cloths. I got like 3 T-shirts, 1 Polo Shirt, 1 Shirt and 3 shorts, plus the were a great make. Then we got some cloths for my mum and that was really it. We then got the Metro back and we got ready for my Uncles Birthday party. There was like 20 of so we had 2 people driving and some taxis. We ate at some really cool restaurant called PF Changs it had some awesome food there. It was really funny because we were such a big group we had to have like 3 waiters. Then we went to bed after we left at like 12:30.

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