Friday, April 11, 2008

The Zoo


What a fun day that was Drew got bit by a Meercat, the Giraffes were in mating season, an Elephant almost choked and we almost got sent out so it was a fun day.

It started off all good me and Vinay went for a walk and saw the Giraffes like you see them on the Documentary Channel. Then we went day eye out a lion which was really fun cause I won. I guess then we had to go back to meet up for our talk on endangered animals in New Zealand. Well before we went in to the talk my friend told that he had been bitten by a Meercat I was sooooooo funny then one of the zoo poeple said that he needed to get to get some tetnuse jab, then we went in to the talk, it took 50 mins it was a bit boring but not that bad. After we got out I went of with Riki and we watched a monkey for 15 mins while he tryed to get some bread which he endded up getting. Then the hole school was called over the intercome telling us that we had to meet back at the enterance. Then Ms Wilson, Mrs Rolands and Mr Pocock gave use a talk on how bad our behavour was like some people where smoking in the meercat tunnels, someone had throw a chocolate bar at the elephant and it started to choke apparently it almost died. After that me and Vinay had a photo of us taken by Ms Wilson of me and Viany eatting our subway. Then me and Viany went an shouted abuse at te Kangaroos for being Australian it was prity funny.

Nothing else really happend. So over all it was a great day.

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