Sunday, March 30, 2008



This weekend was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring I had nothing to do all I did on Saterday was sit at home and watch telly.


Sunday I guess was alot better I start off by watching fun of the film called Independence Day, it's the one where allens attack Earth they start attacking everyone and destroy big towns and city. They then start to atack in group by putting in a virus and shutting down there defences for a few min so that there planes can be attackthe ship and as you can expect they end up fighting of the aliens. After watching a great film I had a traing season an on stanmore field just some fittness and rugby skills, it was alright I guess. Then I came home had a shower and went and watched the end of my film (Independence Day). Later on in the day me my bro and my parents went to a friends house they had a pool which I spent most of the evening in haha. We had some dinner there then went home. We then went and watched the Leiscter Tigers against London Wasps. Then I went to bed.

And thats my weekend.

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